How Kinni Creek Lodge and Outfitters Started
About Kinni Creek Lodge and Outfitters
Take Advantage of Our Good Nature!
Whether on the trail or back at the lodge, my years of personal and professional experience since the early 1970s in adventure recreation and working with youth and other groups will encourage play and leisure time together to build and improve relationships. I look forward to sharing stories, the comfort that comes with paddling sky blue waters, and wonderful company around campfires.
We want to enhance the quality of your life and relationships with family and friends through outdoor recreation, leisure, play, relaxation, and adventures. This is our mission.
History of Kinni Creek Lodge & Outfitters.
I established my outdoors company at the turn of the century, starting out with three guest rooms and two canoe rentals. As time went on, the options expanded, and we now offer the lodge as a bed and breakfast or vacation cabin rental with 250 kayaks for rent.
As fly fishermen came to stay over the years, they wanted guides. The guides wanted a fly shop, and I opened a fly shop for them. As interest gained momentum, I added fly fishing schools and offer several each year.
Book Me for Speaking Engagements
Send me a email at:
[email protected] or call (715) 425-7378

Kinni Dipping
“A haven where the best worlds of kayaking and fly fishing come together.”
Dave Carlson
Northland Adventures
View what others are saying about the Kinnickinnic River and the Kinni Creek Lodge as a “Guestination” to treasure.
Join Paige Olson and friends on a video kayaking adventure of the Kinnickinnic River in western Wisconsin, as they paddle downstream exploring the wonders of this great resource. Video stories and articles as told by television and outdoor personalities.
“A trip down the Kinni is a real adventure for out-of-towners who don’t live near such treasures.”
National Geographic film shoot for new pilot program, November of 2016...

National Geographic film shoot, short version clip...
Discover Wisconsin article and video about us on their website here:
Piragis Northwoods Company Boundary Waters Blog Article.
"Best Little Boating Stream in Wisconsin"
by Cliff Jacobson
Eastern Fly Fishing Magazine Article. "Rush River"
by Jeff Erickson
Minnesota Bound. "Kinni Creek"
with Laura Schara
Laura travels to River Falls for a "ladies only" day of fly fishing with KinniCreek Lodge & Outfitters and the "Broadcaster's" ladies' fly fishing club.
Twin Cities Live. "Em’s Adventures: Kayaking"
with Emily Enberg
Emily travels about thirty minutes outside the cities to River Falls, Wisconsin to try-out kayaking for the first time.
Paige Olson, the soul proprieter of the Kinni Creek Lodge and Outfitters( right along the Kinnickinnic River) began her business 15 years ago so that she could share her love of kayaking. Emily has some concerns about kayaking but chatted with some other ladies that gave kayaking a try for the first time themselves.
The kayaking season runs through October and there are several different routes and time frames to choose from. Click here for more information. If you want to check it out, click here and get a $90 gift certificate – good for a 3 hour rental for two - for only $45.
Northland Adventures "Kinni Dipping"
with Dave Carlson
Follow along with Dave, Paige and guide Mike Thomas as they fly fish the Kinnickinnic, one of the Midwest's best trout streams.
Kinni Dipping from Kinni Creek on Vimeo.
Minnesota Bound "Floating the Kinni" with Bill Sherck
Travel downstream the Kinnickinnic River with Bill and Paige as they kayak and fly fish the lower Kinnickinnic River. Accompanied by fly fishing guide John Mowery, they explore what the Kinni has to offer.
Minnesota Bound "Kinni Comeback" with Belinda Jensen
Travel downstream the Kinnickinnic River with Belinda and her dad as they are guided by fly fishing guide Andy Roth.